Tuesday, 1 November 2011

New Photos Reveal Coral Triangle's Fragile Beauty...

A newly published book is offering an intimate and colorful look at a fragile and increasingly imperiled ecosystem that is home to an astonishing number of the planet's sea creatures.
The coffee-table book, titled "The Coral Triangle," for the region of this name in the South Pacific, is 272 pages long, filled with more than 400 photographs that are interspersed with essays written by conservation experts from around the world.
The book, published by conservation organization WWF, the Asian Development Bank  and the Freund Factory, profiles the region's astounding marine biodiversity, its human residents, and the long list of threats facing both populations, from overfishing to climate change.
In both images and words, the tome offers a detailed portrait of a region of vital importance. The Coral Triangle, a 230,000-square-mile (6-million-square-kilometer) region of the southern Pacific Ocean, encompasses waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste, and is home to an outsize proportion of the world's sea creatures.

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